Stop Lotus Creek wind farm NOW!

Stop Lotus Creek wind farm NOW!

Please email the Minister Tanya Plibersek to urgently STOP the Lotus Creek wind development.

We have just received news that the Lotus Creek wind farm in Central Queensland has commenced construction.

We have serious concerns about Lotus Creek wind farm. Specifically:

  • Inadequate Ecological Surveys: The ecological assessments conducted in the area have been grossly insufficient and lack independent oversight. This area has not undergone comprehensive ecological evaluations concerning Matters of National Environmental Significance.
  • Non-compliance with EPBC Law and Offsets Policy: There are multiple violations of EPBC Law, with endangered species and populations not adequately identified. Furthermore, significant residual impacts on ...

Please email the Minister Tanya Plibersek to urgently STOP the Lotus Creek wind development.

We have just received news that the Lotus Creek wind farm in Central Queensland has commenced construction.

We have serious concerns about Lotus Creek wind farm. Specifically:

  • Inadequate Ecological Surveys: The ecological assessments conducted in the area have been grossly insufficient and lack independent oversight. This area has not undergone comprehensive ecological evaluations concerning Matters of National Environmental Significance.
  • Non-compliance with EPBC Law and Offsets Policy: There are multiple violations of EPBC Law, with endangered species and populations not adequately identified. Furthermore, significant residual impacts on identified threatened species have not been assessed correctly, and the proposed offsets fail to account for the totality of these impacts.
  • Neglect of Current Scientific Evidence: The proponent has failed to incorporate recent scientific data regarding the adverse effects of clearing, road construction, and noise disturbances on wildlife, ecological communities, and particularly threatened species, ignoring the precautionary principle in the face of these unknowns.
  • Violation of “Nil Conservation Loss” Policy: The Federal Government’s policy of “nil conservation loss” has not been upheld. Numerous threatened species in the area have likely gone unidentified, and significant impacts on both identified and unidentified species cannot be satisfactorily offset.
  • Unrealistic Approval Conditions: Compliance with multiple approval conditions poses a significant challenge and is highly unlikely.
  • Lack of Wildlife Management: There is no documented evidence that wildlife catchers or spotters were engaged during the initial clearing operations for the wind farm.

Endangered koalas and greater gliders are thriving here! Remnant forest, important tree hollows, critical habitat is now in peril. The destruction and fragmentation of their habitat for a wind farm will introduce feral predators, edge effects, habitat degradation and infrasound. The sound footprint of wind turbines has not been considered and is known to repel mammals. This cannot happen.

Koalas and greater gliders are now at risk of being knocked out of their trees, to be injured or killed.

Koalas were found to be present on site with 101 recorded seen during 3 surveys. 7 females were recorded with joeys. The koala population is self-sustaining and rich in genomic diversity. It may be critical to the longterm survival of the species.

This diversity of koala populations is significant and must be protected for the sake of the survival of the species. Just published research reveals Queensland's koalas are the most genetically diverse in Australia:,and%20Queensland%2C%20have%20the%20least%20genetic%20variation.

Endangered greater gliders were recorded at 131 locations. A remarkable population in an extinction crisis! This habitat must be left intact.

Intact forest is already combatting climate change. Forest is also home to precious biodiversity.

Minister Tanya Plibersek is one of the few politicians who can put a stop this.


Stop Lotus Creek wind development, Central Qld NOW!

Please email Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek to request a STOP WORK at the Lotus Creek wind development.

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